Godly Confession

Scripture Reading - Romans 10:8-10 KJV

8 But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

In today's lesson we will discuss the subject of “Godly Confession”. We know there are several different interpretations of the word “confession” so we will address the main ones separately. First when looking in the dictionary quite often you will see the negative definition of confession which is known primarily as “confessing your sins” to a priest or listener to ease your conscience or receive forgiveness for those confessed sins previously committed. We are not speaking about this type of “confession” so we made a distinction by calling this write-up “Godly Confession”. Another common use of the word confession can be seen when a person “confesses their guilt” for committing a crime. Often we hear from a policeman or attorney that if a certain person “confesses” to a certain crime the sentencing by the judge maybe less due to honesty and true repentance as opposed to not admitting guilt to a crime the person did commit. This type of “confession of wrong doing” is also not what this article is about because the “confession of evil doing” is not a “godly confession” even if it is a confession of a true wrong doing that someone committed. Another definition highlights a “common confession” for all church members like a creed. Although this is more in line with good (or positive) words it is still not the direction of this article. Yes, we (ihlcc) do think that it is good to have some core beliefs that are “common confessions” to all group/church members but as good as that may be the “godly confession” of our faith is much more better than that. Why, because having a pre-selected guideline for life is good and they can help you in life, if it is in-line with God’s Word but your personal “godly confession” of Jesus as your Lord through your mouth will change your whole life today, tomorrow and forever. We notice in today’s verse “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus” you have completed half the requirement for salvation. This means it is not just this “godly confession” of Jesus as Lord but the qualifier must also believe in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. This means those who meet both conditions are saved according to Romans 10:9 and 10. This “godly confession” of your faith in God’s Plan of Salvation is the first step into a brand new life. In these last days we desperately need God’s divine intervention because Our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ can do so many necessary spiritual and natural things that we cannot. No person on this earth is good enough to save themselves, “no”, not in time past, time present or time future. No single person was ever good enough to earn Heaven, except Jesus Christ. This means all those who hear the gospel of Jesus Christ must make a decision to believe in their heart that Jesus died for their sins and God The Father raised Him from the dead and confess out loud (with your mouth) that Jesus Christ is your personal Lord or disobey God’s Word by not making this “godly confession” and risk a dark hollow (purposeless) life on earth and an eternity in hell. The “godly confession” of our faith is nothing more than believing exactly what God said to us and about us to the point of complete acceptance in our heart propagating out of our mouths. Yes, this “godly confession” is not about the bad things we have previously done in our life but rather the good things God has already done for our life through Jesus Christ. Since we will be judged in life by our words and deeds it is crucial that we speak a “godly confession” because then and only then will our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus come to our rescue and defense. If we don’t exhibit a “positive godly confession” in our life style we probably are not living a godly lifestyle. Our “godly confession of faith” is the starting point of speaking life with our mouth. So we (ihlcc) encourage all people to believe in their heart that Jesus Christ died for their sins and God the Father raised Him from the dead to bring salvation to each and every person on earth. Then, if you believe that in your heart and according to verse 10 make the “godly confession” of Jesus as your Lord with your mouth you are saved. The “godly confession” of faith is easy and true but many are ignorant of God’s Goodness, Mercy and Grace. Therefore, purpose with us to share with the people around us the gospel of Jesus Christ so that they too can enter into this “godly confession” of faith to bless God, the Father, themselves and many others in Jesus Name. Amen!